Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My choice to homeschool

So, I am homeschooling my kids.


Oh, okay.

(Here's where you wait for me to pull out my soapbox and begin to enthusiastically state my opinion on failing schools and quote you research studies.  You're going to keep waiting.)

For those bold enough to ask me why, here's my answer.

After working for a bit, I decided that I would much rather be a stay at home mom. It made sense for our sanity, and quite frankly, for our bank account. So, I have been (back) at home for a few months now.  Since I have been home, I have noticed a few things.  First, I have noticed that I have no idea who my older children are. Not a clue.  That's sad.  From my experiences, there is nothing more lonely than being surrounded by people who don't know you. Even worse, being surrounded by people who don't know you and insist on changing you....even withholding their love until you cave.  I want to know my kids, I want them to feel like they can question, that they can feel things differently, see things in a new way. I want them to explore these views in a safe environment, completely certain they will be loved no matter what they find inside, and feeling completely free from torment  and ridicule.  Everyone deserves that.

Secondly, I found that instead of telling me about the books they read or the math they learned, I got to hear about all of the fights and foul language that they witnessed at school.  I got to hear about how their teachers gave them incorrect information or indirectly threatened them with stories of corporal punishment back in the day to get them to do their schoolwork.  My kids were retaining nothing except for four letter words. Hmph.

What finally tipped the scales, what pulled it all together for me and made me realize this is what I need to do was this video. (If you are interested, I have included the link below.)  It inspired me.  It turned on the light bulb for me.  I have to take control, for my kids' sake, for the country's sake, for everyone's sake! I need to rock the boat.

So far, I have found that my kids have hardly retained any basics.  We have begun grammar, reading, writing, and spelling at a first grade level, and are working our way up again. We are writing slowly and neatly, relearning our grammar rules, and reading together.  One of my daughters needs serious help in math, so we are taking the time to focus to be sure we have our rules down.  They are learning, and they are excited...most of the time....

Socially, I am finding that the playgrounds during our homeschool group playtimes are filled with imaginative stories, games, and projects.  Instead of my 7 year old being introduced to the word "sex", she was standing lookout on a slide-a job she proudly volunteered for-for the rest of the workers so they could use the pile of old broken branches to build a bridge.  My 8 year old was exploring a huge puddle with her friends.  They were all working together, children of all ages, using teamwork, math skills, science, etc.  They all had no problem introducing themselves to new people, and there was no sort of clique to cut through.  It was beautiful.

This. This is why I homeschool.  It's not easy every day, and, man, do I need to get organized!!!  But, it's a gift I want to give my kids and the world.  And, I am excited to give this gift every day.



The Starkey Family said...

That's got to be a tough job. I admire your goals. My husband and I have talked about homeschooling but I just can't do it with running a business so we supplement when he gets home. I look forward to hearing how it will go! I am sure it will be great!

N. said...

awesome, and kudos to your and your family! :-)

Charlyn said...

I adore that video.